Monday 10 September 2012

Developing my own visual library

At our first day back at college we were shown a video on developing our visual library. This is basically all the things we have every see in our life or thought of in our heads. You develop it by watching films looking at animals etc.

To help me develop mine I looked at what I allready do.
  • I watch TV programms that can help. by witch I mean that I watch good programs not rubbish like Big Brother.
  • I play a good variety of games.
  • I've travelled the worl and have seen the sights and experienced things you can't really get a feel on of pichures
With all this I have one thing missing...Books! Ever since I really got into my games I have never had time to read in bed like I used to.
This is mostly because I only really get the chance to play games in the evening with all the work I do, also my best friend lives in America and she can only get online in the evenings.

So from now on I propose that I will try to cut down on my computer time in the evenings and try to read books like I used to.

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